Now what you've all been waiting for... my hypotheses!
Research Question:
- What influences parents’ socialization strategy?
- Parents will be more likely to emphasize Chinese culture if they have prior interest in and knowledge of Chinese culture, and parents who adopt older children and/or multiple Chinese children.
- Parents’ attitudes toward the importance of ethnic exploration play a large role in shaping their choice of strategy.
- However, not all parents who want to pursue Chinese socialization are able to due to limitations in the opportunities and resources available to them. Living in more urban areas and in more diverse communities with a greater presence of Asians will be positively correlated with Chinese socialization. Furthermore, families with a stay-at-home parent and/or ethnically Chinese parent(s) will also be more likely to provide exposure to Chinese culture, as stay-at-home parents may have more time to devote to their children and ethnically Chinese parents may have greater knowledge about Chinese culture.
Stay tuned!